The Blog that will not die

It seems I am averaging a post once every two years. Well I resolve to start doing better. A lot has changed in the past two years. I have created a mancave out of the garage and undertaken a pretty large reorganization of my hobbies. I am dabbling in 3d printing using Prusa FDM printers and boy what a rabbit hole that is. But probably the biggest change in my life is my retirement. Back in the early spring I started seeing all the crap coming down the pike with COVID. Coupled with upcoming changes at my job I decided to chuck the 100 mile a day commute and become a house hubby as my wife continues to work toward her own retirement.

After spending several months working around the house and taking a vacation to Moose Lake, MN to visit my son and his wife and kids, I am turning to doing more with my hobbies. I hope to pick up several long dormant projects as well as indulge in some new madness. I hope to use this blog to chronicle my misadventures as well as serving as a motivation tool.

So come along, hang tight and hopefully be amused.

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