My first head swap

The vast majority of my 54mm AWI figures will be plastic.  While this approach allows me to build units cheaply, it does not provide much variety in the way of units or specialty troops.  That is where All The King’s Men comes in.  They sell a wide range of AWI troop heads in different headdress. I placed my order and within a couple of days a small box of heads showed up on my doorstop.  Today I tried out my first head swap.  An exacto knife performed a quick decapitation of an Armies In Plastic AWI officer  and within a couple of minutes the boring tricorn hat head was replaced with a Highlander bonnet.  The ATKM heads are a bit larger than the original but once painted and put into a unit I don’t think it will stand out too badly.  I need to work on the neck area a bit in future  swaps.  When held at arm’s length the issue is not as bad.  The little stick coming out of the neck area is the head’s ponytail which is in line with the body’s lapels.  I will need to work on bending it into a more natural position in the future.
head swap 01 head swap 02 head swap 03

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