Making flags for my 54mm AWI troops

I am starting to build a collection of 54mm American War for Independence figures, mostly in plastic
.  AWI troops

So it is time to start making up some flags.  I start by printing the flags out on my laser printer.
Making flags 01

Then I use a glue stick to attach it to a sheet of heavy duty foil.
Making flags 02

After that I use the glue stick on half the flag and wrap the flag around the pole, in this case made from 16 gauge floral wire, topped with an earring back, both picked up at Michael’s.
Making flags 03

A drop of superglue at the top helps to hold it in place.
Making flags 04

Once dry, the flag can then be furled in various manners to achieve the rippling in the wind effect.
Making flags 05

Overall a quick, easy and inexpensive method to add the flags to the units.

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